Living Room
Soggiorno domotico
Cucina domotica
Bagno domotico
Camera domotica
Children’s bedroom
Cameretta bambini domotica
External Areas
Esterno domotico


Air quality management is a piece of cake with DOMINA plus

DomusAir, the ventilation for your smart home

Adopting a ventilation system inside your smart home is a fundamental choice both to safeguard the health and for the optimal conservation of the building itself, avoiding the creation of mold, condensation and excessive temperature. To cope with these problems, AVE offers DomusAir, the range dedicated to ventilation developed to integrate with DOMINA plus home automation through a complete series of high efficiency products.

DomusAir ventilazione domotica

DomusAir, the ventilation for your smart home

Adopting a ventilation system inside your smart home is a fundamental choice both to safeguard the health and for the optimal conservation of the building itself, avoiding the creation of mold, condensation and excessive temperature. To cope with these problems, AVE offers DomusAir, the range dedicated to ventilation developed to integrate with DOMINA plus home automation through a complete series of high efficiency products.

DomusAir ventilazione domotica
DomusAir ventilazione domotica

DomusAir, the ventilation for your smart home

Adopting a ventilation system inside your smart home is a fundamental choice both to safeguard the health and for the optimal conservation of the building itself, avoiding the creation of mold, condensation and excessive temperature. To cope with these problems, AVE offers DomusAir, the range dedicated to ventilation developed to integrate with DOMINA plus home automation through a complete series of high efficiency products.

Ventilation becomes
brainy with DOMINA plus

Ventilation becomes
brainy with DOMINA plus

Ventilation becomes
brainy with DOMINA plus

Ventilazione touchscreen

Home automation integration with ventilation

Thanks to the integration between ventilation systems and DOMINA plus home automation, you can remotely manage the air exchange of each room or choose to ventilate the whole house with a simple tap on your Touch Screen. There are different lines of products dedicated to home ventilation, all aesthetically coordinated with the AVE wiring accessories series and designed to ensure maximum comfort for the control of air quality according to the destination room.

Ventilazione touchscreen

Home automation integration with ventilation

Thanks to the integration between ventilation systems and DOMINA plus home automation, you can remotely manage the air exchange of each room or choose to ventilate the whole house with a simple tap on your Touch Screen. There are different lines of products dedicated to home ventilation, all aesthetically coordinated with the AVE wiring accessories series and designed to ensure maximum comfort for the control of air quality according to the destination room.

Ventilazione touchscreen

Home automation integration with ventilation

Thanks to the integration between ventilation systems and DOMINA plus home automation, you can remotely manage the air exchange of each room or choose to ventilate the whole house with a simple tap on your Touch Screen. There are different lines of products dedicated to home ventilation, all aesthetically coordinated with the AVE wiring accessories series and designed to ensure maximum comfort for the control of air quality according to the destination room.

Home automation CMV: ventilation is evolving

AVE has developed CMV (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) to increase comfort and air quality, reducing consumption. Through DOMINA plus you can interact with the CMV units allowing the automatic management of the air exchange (according to the real environmental conditions), the implementation of the ventilation in the Scenarios function, the supervision of units’ efficiency, the receiving of information about the system parts to be replaced or signalling when the outside temperature is too cold and may cause damage.

VMC domotica
VMC domotica

Home automation CMV: ventilation is evolving

AVE has developed CMV (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) to increase comfort and air quality, reducing consumption. Through DOMINA plus you can interact with the CMV units allowing the automatic management of the air exchange (according to the real environmental conditions), the implementation of the ventilation in the Scenarios function, the supervision of units’ efficiency, the receiving of information about the system parts to be replaced or signalling when the outside temperature is too cold and may cause damage.

VMC domotica

Home automation CMV: ventilation is evolving

AVE has developed CMV (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) to increase comfort and air quality, reducing consumption. Through DOMINA plus you can interact with the CMV units allowing the automatic management of the air exchange (according to the real environmental conditions), the implementation of the ventilation in the Scenarios function, the supervision of units’ efficiency, the receiving of information about the system parts to be replaced or signalling when the outside temperature is too cold and may cause damage.


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